In the 17th century, the office of inspector was introduced as a mandatory requirement for all of Uppsala’s student nations as universities were skeptical of the nations and the students’ loud activities. By instituting a professor from a university as an Inspector, universities could gain more control over the nations.
The office of inspector is still alive and well today. According to the nation’s statutes, the inspector has quite a few commitments, but in practice they are involved in most major issues addressed at the nation. The inspector shall promote the good of the nation, but also ensure that decisions taken do not contravene laws, regulations or the nation’s own statutes.
The inspector of Småland’s nation is Jonas Almqvist, he was installed in 2024 and is a professor of didactics at Uppsala University. Since 2013, Smålands also has a proinspector and the current proinspector is Charlotte Platzer Björkman, vice-rector and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology.
The honorary members of Småland’s nation hold one of the finest assignments you can have in the nation! Members who have made a significant contribution to the nation are elected as honorary members. These are chosen on the landscape and installed during the spring’s finest event, namely the spring ball!